It’s Unicorn Season: Here’s How to Survive as a Bisexual Woman

So you've found yourself attracted to people of all genders, and now you're navigating the dating world as a proud bisexual. It can be tough out there, but fear not! There are plenty of ways to survive and thrive in the dating scene. First off, be open and honest about your sexuality from the get-go. This will save you from any potential awkwardness or misunderstandings down the line. Secondly, seek out communities and events specifically for bisexual individuals - there's strength in numbers! And lastly, don't be afraid to set boundaries and stand up for yourself. You deserve to be with someone who respects and supports your identity. For more tips and to connect with other singles near you, check out today!


As a bisexual woman, navigating the dating world can be both exhilarating and daunting. With the rise of unicorn hunting and the fetishization of bisexual women, it’s important to know how to navigate these experiences while staying true to yourself. In this article, we’ll explore what it means to be a unicorn, the challenges of dating as a bisexual woman, and provide tips on how to survive and thrive in the dating world.

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Understanding Unicorn Season

Unicorn season refers to the time when couples actively seek out a bisexual woman to join them in a threesome or polyamorous relationship. This can be a tricky territory to navigate as a bisexual woman, as you may feel objectified or fetishized by couples who are looking for a “unicorn” to fulfill their sexual fantasies. It’s important to remember that you are a person with your own desires and boundaries, and you should never feel pressured to conform to someone else’s idea of what your sexuality should look like.

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The Challenges of Dating as a Bisexual Woman

Dating as a bisexual woman comes with its own set of challenges. You may encounter biphobia from both straight and gay individuals who question the validity of your sexuality. Additionally, you may find it difficult to find partners who understand and respect your bisexuality without reducing it to a sexual fantasy. It can be isolating to feel like you don’t fit into either the straight or gay dating scenes, but it’s important to remember that there are people out there who will appreciate and value your identity.

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Tips for Surviving Unicorn Season

1. Set Boundaries: When engaging with couples who are seeking a unicorn, it’s crucial to set clear boundaries from the start. Communicate your desires, expectations, and limits, and don’t be afraid to walk away from a situation that doesn’t feel right for you.

2. Seek Support: Surround yourself with a supportive community of friends, family, or fellow bisexual individuals who understand and validate your experiences. Having a strong support system can help you navigate the challenges of dating as a bisexual woman.

3. Be True to Yourself: Don’t feel pressured to conform to anyone else’s expectations of what it means to be a bisexual woman. Embrace your identity and prioritize your own happiness and well-being in all of your dating experiences.

4. Educate Others: Take the opportunity to educate others about bisexuality and dispel myths and misconceptions. By speaking out and advocating for yourself and the bisexual community, you can help create a more inclusive and understanding dating environment.


Navigating unicorn season as a bisexual woman can be a complex and sometimes overwhelming experience. It’s important to prioritize your own needs and boundaries while seeking out partners who respect and value your identity. By setting clear boundaries, seeking support, and staying true to yourself, you can thrive in the dating world and find fulfilling connections with individuals who appreciate and celebrate your bisexuality. Remember, you are not a fantasy or an object - you are a multifaceted individual deserving of love and respect.